A Travellerspoint blog

Que rápidamente pasa el tiempo...

Cerca del fin de una histora, un viaje, una vida

sunny 27 °C

Well folks, this is it. I was a miserable blog host and for that I apologize! Among the many things I´ve learned being abroad, I´ve learned how easy we have it sometimes when it comes to technology. Its been strange not always having the internet at my fingertips, always up and running in my doom room, able to access whatever kind of information or communication is necessary.

I leave tomorrow. After being pick pocketed last week and being harassed by some weirdos, Buenos Aires is making it easier for me to say goodbye. I will miss this place for sure, I really loved every moment, but now I´m ready. I´m glad I took a few extra days to myself to let my mind and body rest before getting on a plane to go home. I think that most of all I will miss Anna Maria, my English class at Lenguas Vivas with Florencia, speaking Spanish all the time, my literatura argentina class with Jorge, being able to travel every other weekend and consistently make friends all over the globe, and of course all of the wonderful friends that I´ve made here in IES and my other awesome Argentine friends. If anyone is reading this and thinking about going abroad for a semester, YOU BETTER DO IT! All the cheesy stuff they tell you about the experience in informational meetings is true, it really is the experience of a lifetime and something that will probably never ever be possible again. As much as I loved travelling, I dont think I would have appreicated the experience as much if I had not been studying here. Reading Borges, Cortázar, Arlt, Sarmiento, Hernandez, Sabáto, and other great Argentine writers, learning a million and one times about the Perón administration and Evita´s role, and learning more than anyone EVER wanted to know about tango, I have a more than surface level traveller´s appreciation for the city and I am very thankful for that.I know, I´m a nerd, but I really do love learning and I think that that´s just as important as travelling itself.

I´m off to my last dinner in BA with Rodrigo and a sad night it will be. Gonna take somelast minute photos and video of the city by night, then tomorrow I´m packing and headed off to the airport and back to the states with my new hair do! Hahahh can´t wait to see everyone, its been great. Thanks for sticking with me if you have, and if not, well I don´t really blame you. I will be updating this blog when I get home and recalling the rest of my trips because I have them hand written down in my journal. Tune in later if you still want to hear about those! As always, check up on the snapfish to see some awesome fotos of places I´ve been.

Chau todos, y gracias por su participación. Nos vemos Buenos Aires, mi querida Buenos Aires, una ciudad inolvidable.

Posted by ACordes 13:57 Archived in Argentina

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